
* Happy New Year *

I cannot believe it is almost 2010. This year was a milestone for me; George & I bought our first house, I finally started up my dream business (with the help of my best friend), relentless travel, and lots & lots of hospital visits (none mine).
I can only hope that this next year is just as splendid, (minus the hospital part).

I'm never one to make New Years Resolutions.  One I find it somewhat "silly" that it takes a new year for the betterment of one's being, and two something such a strong personal statement such as a "resolution" always seems to be taken so lightly and discarded just weeks into the new year.

But in a year of firsts, I am going to give it a go.
Hopefully I won't be one of those that falls by the wayside.  Here are some that I can only strive to adhere to.

* visit the theatre more often
* actually use my gym membership :)
* spend my dollars wiser
* get that basement organized!!!
* get my passport & take a REAL vacation

A big thank you to our friends & family who have always believed in us, and to our customers & friends for making our first month and a half a success!!
We wish you all the best and a blessed New Year!

Erin & Under Capricorn

ps.  How great is that main photo?  I'm already dreaming of the New Years Eve party I want to throw next year!


Lauren Bacall (Betty Joan Perske)

Upon feeling terribly ill on Monday, I cozied my self up on the sofa for a little How to Marry a Millionaire staring Grable, Bacall, & Monroe.  If you've yet to see it, do yourself a favor and do so.  Not only are the clothes jaw dropping-ly gorgeous, the sets are impeccable and it's a fun little satirical romp on the female gender when it comes to relationships.
I've always thought Lauren Bacall to be drop dead gorgeous.  Always a vision of perfection paired with that sultry deep voice.  She seemed like a gal that knew what she wanted.
It seemed almost fortuitous that tonight I happen to catch Bacall on Bogart in which Bacall speaks on Humphrey's life & films (including the many they stared in together).

A post on Lauren and her beauty would be anything less than fitting.

"It  was 1944. I was 19, brand new in Hollywood and under personal contract to director Howard Hawks. Now, Howard had told me he wanted me to be in a movie with either Cary Grant or Humphrey Bogart. I thought, "Wow, Cary Grant!" I'd already tested for To Have And Have Not and was going to be in it with, of course, Bogey's approval. One day I was going into Hawks' office, and Bogey was on his way out. As we passed, he said, "Oh by the way, I saw your test ... We'll have a lot of fun together." He was right about that. "

"For myself, I can only say that he changed me. He was my teacher my husband, my friend. In his life and his work, Bogey was integrity, truth, and courage. He taught me how to live. That it was okay to trust. He taught me to keep going no matter what. He did. And he is. "



Soft & Structured

Some of the new sweaters and hats that are going to be added to the store shortly...



My Grandmother, part one.

I was able to,  through some rather unfortunate circumstances, spend some quality time with my Grandmother (Mary) this past week.  She is an amazing woman of 91. But truth be told, it wasn't until her 90th birthday that we actually knew her age (she always told us she was 19 or 21!).  Her "Mama" lived by the philosophy that a woman should never tell her age, and she didn't.  "Mama" was in fact buried with only her date of death on her tombstone.  How cheeky.
My Mary is the greatest story teller I've ever met.  She is the perfect hostess, well spoken and well traveled. And has always had amazing penmanship (everything in perfect loopy cursive!!).  She's someone I admire greatly and who I aspire to be.



More Under Capricorn Love

From our dear friend Catherine over at Inspire Bohemia.  She posted some of her favorite looks from our shop. We are in awe and incredibly thankful!
And I love the Craigs List finds post she has going on!  I need to remember to check out CL more often. I still have some pieces for my house I need to find.
Thank you Catherine!

All this LOVE makes me think of this lovely gold ring that pays tribute to our city of Philadelphia..

An Admirals Palette

Here's just the first round of images from Saturday's hunt.
The color palette is nice and cool... creams, black, navy, grey and pops of yellow.  I can't get enough of it.  Perfect for brightening up a wintery day!
xo Under Capricorn


My Anthropologie Wish List.

If I could be defined by an aesthetic of a store alone, it would be here.  Anthro. is a store that I want my own home to feel like. There's something so magical, inspiring, and warm that envelopes me when I walk through those doors.
I just couldn't help myself while browsing their website tonight.  So I am compiling my wishlist here (because it's not as though I don't have a million other things I could be doing!)
Any one of the gorgeous Clothbound Penguin Classics
This Snowflake Ornament would be perfect on my tree.
As would these Tinsel Icicles...
I'm dying over the color of this Anchor Throw..  It's the perfect amount of Regal.
And this canary yellow Bumblebee Coin Purse, complete with sequins??  I can only dream of  the things I could carry in this!
And finally, I'm itching for this Pictorial Dictionary. Full of engraving from 19th Century Websters.  It must be filled with beautiful things.  
And I didn't even make it to the clothes yet!!  


My new wreath!!

This came in the mail today and I couldn't be more excited.  I can't imagine a better home for it than in the window of my light pink bathroom.  (Poor George!!)

(from UpcyclerEmporium)
xo erin

Finding Warmth.

This weekend we're expecting our first possible snowfall of the year.  I can feel it coming.  The last few days I've been basking in the warmth and glow of my fireplace.
I left the south almost 8 years ago, and have no relocation remorse.  The pace, the scenery and the seasons of the north were so foreign to me.  The people were dressed sharper and seemed more worldly, it was as if they knew things.
The beauty of being a new northerner was my wide-eyed, childhood excitement in the things that most took for granted.  I'm looking forward to, as I do every year, the first snowfall and everything the season brings with it. (just as long as it doesn't interfere with my weekend plans)

xo erin